The below comes from Page 7 inside Issue No. 48, August 2020 (click here to view in full).
Excerpt below in text form:
Ray Otter
Ray Otter has been a leader in the fencing industry for over 57 years. His work with Otter Fencing and as chairman of various Standards committees has seen his influence extend across the industry. He is a life member of the Australasian Wire Industry Association and a proud advocate for all members of the fencing sector.
Otter Fencing
Ray’s father Jack Otter formed Otter Fencing in February 1959 winning annual contracts with the Housing Commission for the next 20 years including country and metropolitan housing commission estates.
Ray joined Otter Fencing in early 1963 and soon found out it was a seven day a week business. In 1987 Jack passed away just as Otter Fencing implemented a computerised chain link costing system and gate manufacturing program which is still in operation today. The business is now working on the next phase of software in-house for the new generation of costing, manufacturing and programming of work flow.
Otter Fencing has become a leading manufacturer and supplier of chain link fabric and introduced fusion bonded coated chain link into the Australian market, with the capacity to supply chain link fabric up to 5m high.
Fencing Standards
In 1975, under the umbrella of the Australian Chamber of Manufacturers, Ray and a number of reputable fencing companies helped develop the first Chain Link Fencing standard (AS1725-1975).
Overtime the Chain Link Fencing standards expanded to encompass sports ground fencing applications. Ray was elected Chairman of the relevant technical committee at Standards Australia during this time. These updates have greatly benefited the fencing industry, with architects and government departments referencing this fencing standard in their tender documentation.
Ray provided some words to the AWIA on the upcoming revision of AS1725 and the value provided by the volunteers who help steer the Standards on behalf of the industry.
“We as a fencing industry are again faced with the task of revisiting the next phase of review to consider if any changes or improvements are required for AS1725. This process is very time consuming, however the overall benefit to industry and consumers is significant. AS1725 has provided the fencing industry with a very important benchmark to maintain quality standards for consumers. As the review involves committees on an unpaid, voluntary basis, we sincerely thank all those who have participated to strengthen our fencing industry over the many years.”
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